The Role of Health Educators in Improving the Health of People with HIV

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Medical University of South Carolina
Lauren Richey, Sadie Beckett

Health Educators play an important role in managing the health of people with HIV by increasing the health literacy of patients and improving adherence to medications. In a Ryan White clinic, Health Educator-driven interventions may be essential to assuring better patient outcomes by improving viral suppression and managing comorbidities.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the key components, purpose, and goals of Health Educators in a Ryan White clinic and how Health Educators can improve patient outcomes.
  2. Discuss the published evidence that supports the use of a Health Educator in the clinical setting to improve health outcomes.
  3. Report the outcomes of interventions and discuss the challenges faced and lessons learned in developing Health Educator-driven interventions.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Clinical Quality Management
Improving Patient Outcomes for Initiatives in HIV Care

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