Providing RWHAP Services to People Who Are Justice-Involved

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Connie Jorstad

HRSA/HAB guidance on using RWHAP funds to provide services to eligible individuals in prisons, jails, and other correctional systems allows recipients to determine which RWHAP services to provide and for how long. This session will provide overviews of HAB policy and two recipients' programs serving people who are justice-involved.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain HAB policy on provision of RWHAP core medical services and support services in state and federal prisons.
  2. Explain HAB policy on provision of RWHAP core medical services and support services in other correctional settings.
  3. Describe the approach taken by two RWHAP recipients to improve access to RWHAP services to people with HIV who are justice-involved.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement/Reengagement, and Health Outcomes

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