A Multi-Pronged Approach to Building Clinical Quality Improvement Infrastructure: The Boston EMA Experience

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Boston Public Health Commission
Katie Keating, Wiona Desir, Sarah Kuruvilla

The Boston EMA built an innovative program to enhance provider capacity to incorporate clinical quality improvement (CQI) into its Ryan White service structure. The program provides a range of resources to support varied CQI needs across the EMA. Providers engaged in CQI have documented improved client outcomes including viral suppression and client satisfaction.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the importance of system thinking in building CQI infrastructure.
  2. Learn about multiple ways to engage providers in CQI.
  3. Receive tools and templates used to engage providers to CQI.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Clinical Quality Management
State of Massachusetts: Effectively Building CQI Infrastructure and CQM Programs

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