Integrating Geriatric Services Into the RWHAP Clinic

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Marlene Matosky, Esther Ross, Meredith Greene, Eugenia Siegler, Mark Brennan-Ing

Discuss the role of the geriatrician and roles that can be transferred to other staff; review the geriatric screenings and assessments and staff who can perform the screenings and assessments; share models where geriatric services were integrated into the clinic; and provide information about the experience of receiving integrated services.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn about the role of a geriatrician and aspects that can be integrated into the RWHAP clinic
  2. Identify common geriatric screenings and assessments
  3. Explain models to integrate geriatric services into the RWHAP from a person aging with HIV and a provider

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Innovative System-level Models for HIV Service Delivery

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