Georgia Utilizes Telehealth and Project ECHO to Expand HIV Care Management in Underserved Areas

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Georgia Department of Public Health
Gregory Felzien, Suleima Salgado

Georgia’s telehealth/telemedicine and Project ECHO programs aim to identify and tackle barriers faced by urban and rural environments. Telehealth offers patients a virtual way of meeting with their care providers, while also improving patient engagement and care plan adherence. Project ECHO is aimed at workforce development and capacity building.

Learning Objectives

  1. Highlight Georgia’s Public Health telehealth Infrastructure and summarize telehealth regulations, reimbursement, and resources.
  2. Explain the need for greater healthcare access across rural and urban settings, and discuss innovative solutions and partnerships used to implement, expand, and treat individuals living with and affected by HIV via telemedicine.
  3. Explain how Project ECHO helps rural and remote providers learn from specialists to manage care for their complex HIV patients and to build workforce capacity.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
RWHAP Planning and Resource Allocation: Community Engagement and Collaborative Partnerships
Using Telehealth to Improve HIV Care Management

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