Over 50,000 Health Professionals Trained: AETC 2022 Report


In 2021-2022, 56,383 health professionals received training in HIV clinical topics, provided by the HIV clinical training network under HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Trainings were delivered in 12,226 training events. 

Access the infographic, AETC Program by the Numbers: 2022.

Data are summarized in the AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program Annual Data Report, 2022 (HRSA, April 2024) and cover the time frame July 2021 through June 2022. Other highlights include:

  • HIV prevention was the most common topic (one-third covering HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP), followed by various HIV care and treatment topics (e.g., antiretroviral treatment, engagement in care).
  • Nurses and nurse practitioners constituted the most common professions, followed by social workers and physicians. Overall, three-fourths of trainees were non-clinical HIV professionals.

The report provides additional details on characteristics of training (e.g., formats) and trainees (e.g., whether individuals deliver direct clinical care, employment settings).

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